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Nuevo familia en la iglesia 


Bautismo en el nombre de Jesucristo para perdon de los pecados. Hechos 2:38   Tus pecados son perdonado por su nombre (Jesus) 1 Juan 2:12

El bautismo ahora nos salva. 1 Pedro 3:21


Predicase arrepentimiento y el perdon de pecados en su nombre (Jesus) Lucas 24:47


porque te tienes, lavantate y lava tus pecados, invocando su nombre, Jesus. Hechos 22:16


Abogado tenemos para con el padre, Jesucristo el justo. 1 Juan 2:1

                                                Baptism and God

The statement that baptism is just to profess that you have faith and are  making your life to follow Jesus from that moment forward is a false one because nothing in your life changes. You are still a sinner and a liar and a thief in the face of man and God. In the moments when Jesus stands before John and asked to be baptized of him, John says he needs baptism of Jesus and Jesus says let it be so for now we must fulfill all righteousness through his baptism. Meaning it is necessary to be baptized to fulfill all righteousness. John 3:5- Jesus says you MUST BE born of the water(Bautizo) and of the Spirit or you can not enter into the kingdom of God. (Heaven). Remember it takes the two most important steps to go to heaven. (Repentance and Obedience) God commands a turning away from sin and back to him and that what he says goes, obey his Word. In 1 Corinthians 15:1-2 it says salvation is in the disciples doctrine, no others. Jesus is the truth and the light and the way. Peter in Acts says Repent, be baptized in Jesus name FOR the remission of sin and receive the Holy ghost. Paul in Acts 19:1-6 says repent and be baptized in Jesus name and receive the Holy ghost. He rebaptized them because John did not have all the truth, baptism yes, but in Jesus name was necessary and then they got the Holy ghost.  Philip with the Eunuch Acts 8 taught him Jesus and baptized him in water just like Peter and Paul. They all learned from Jesus.  Philip when the people believed his preaching were all baptized men and women and Simon too. Ananias to Paul baptized him straightway and said why tarriest though, arise be baptized (command) wash away thy sins Calling (invoking) Jesus name. Necessary. Acts 10:47-48 commanded them to be baptized in Jesus name. Silas and Paul was asked what must I do to be saved? believe on Jesus christ and washed their strips and was baptized immediately. These are just a few scriptures that show that baptism is a necessary moment to salvation. You must wash away your sins in Jesus name invoked. Calling Jesus name over the person apply the blood and remits the sin  (Acts 2:38- for the remission of sin).  Now to look at the Spirit. God alone is the Spirit. Capital "S". The Lord is that Spirit- 2 Cor. 3:17. God is a Spirit - John 4:24.  Eph. 4:4 says there is only one Spirit. (God) God has no body, no flesh no blood to be filthy  or unclean. God alone is eternal. Time does not exist in the relm of God, that is why he always says it is not it will be. God is there already. God has no shadow. James 1:17, he has no body so there is no shadow. Genesis say in the beginning GOD created all things by his voice and he spoke it all into existence. He formed man from the dust of the earth and put life in the form. All the names Jehovah, everlasting, wonderful, mighty God and Father all speak of God the Spirit and in scripture pertain to him in manifestation. 1 Tim. 3:16- God was made flesh. Emmauel, Jesus is God with us, Matt. 1:23. God was man flesh to take away the sins of man, he did not send someone else to do his dirty work. If he did then he is no God.  Isaiah says that they pierced my hands and my feet speaking of God in his manifestation in the flesh.  One way to see this is in this question. How many thrones are there in heaven. If there are 3 persons then there are 3 thrones. Revelations 4:2  say that there is one throne and one sits on that throne and his  name is the Almighty God and revealed as Jesus Christ. Alpha and omega. Jehovah savior. In John 17 Jesus says he taught the disciples God's name (Jesus). They suffered for his name sake. Again, in the 3rd century the so called triun doctrine began by the Catholic sun god believers and they murdered their own priest to make that false doctrine take hold so the organization got richer. The truth is the triun doctrine is the worship of Ra, horus, and Isis the sun god family of the 3. Before the 3rd century it did not exist, God was always known as a Spirit. To Moses, Elijah, Job he was a Spirit and all other doctrines were pagan and false. If any angel or preacher teach you any other doctrine than what the disciples taught you, let it be accursed and a lie (pagan) God is a Spirit and alone and no one is beside him. Isaiah 45:5.
I hope this clears up some mess that the trinitarians teach to the world to lead people away from the truth.

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